6 posts containing: migraine
lt;0.001) - anemia (P=0.003) - high blood pressure (P=0.004) - peripheral vascular disease (P=0.009) - migraine headache (P=0.02) (migraines are triggered by vasospasm) - less likely to have BMI >30 (P<0.03, not hugely strong) - *low
Dave deBronkart
I have had since September, shouldn’t they have dropped some from the drops? I do have a history of migraine since I was 14 (61 now). They are bad, 8-10 a month for many many years. I was started on Nurtec a year ago and it has really...per month. Many times I feel like I am being stabbed in the back of my eye with a knife. Most of the migraines are right sided and focused on my right eye. I al…
2\. Topiramate (Topamax)  [Topiramate] (Topamax) can treat many conditions, including seizures, [migraine headaches], and mood disorders. Topiramate can cause acute [glaucoma] (an eye condition that damages the optic nerve...al. (2016). [Evaluation of ocular side effects in the patients on topiramate therapy for control of migrainous headache]. *Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research.* Hol…
eye injury or impact to your eye (e.g., hit in eye with a ball) at any time in your life - frequent migraine headaches - a history or high or low blood pressure - obstructive sleep apnea - diabetes - sickle cell anemia - corneas
clearance is suppressed in Alzheimer’s disease (AD), cortical spreading depression–associated migraine aura, traumatic brain injury (TBI), subarachnoid hemorrhage/ischemic stroke, multiple microinfarcts, diabetes
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