A FitEyes member offered some good suggestions for Ask FitEyes. I will respond and offer a few comments and some examples below. At this time, Ask FitEyes is new and we, as a community, are deciding how we want to use it. Therefore, I am posting this topic in the Chatter section so everyone can respond with any kinds of comments.
Is it possible to add dates to the posts? I know it says things like “5 days ago” but I feel posts, or some at least, would benefit from specific dating.
OK, I will put in a feature request with the developer.
When such a post would have been sent through the email group in the past, we would have got a specific date and also a link to the study.
I agree that we should link to the studies -- and preferably link to the full text version when it is available (and not behind a paywall).
However, in this case, that post was not a study. It was a news release. I posted it to demonstrate the use of the news section of Ask FitEyes. (Based on this feedback, I see that it wasn't the best example of a news post.)
What I suggest we do in this case is post the actual scientific article in the science section of Ask FitEyes. Actually, I think I already posted it here:
If anyone found a different study related to that news release, please posts that in the science section. (If you don't have permission to post there, please ask us for it.)
I would like feedback from everyone on this particular science post:
I did that as an example of a scientific article where I extensively commented on the original content. Is that a good format?
In contrast to that, here is an example I posted without any commentary:
In that case, I could only post the abstract, because that is all that is available. However, I did link both the journal's page and PubMed.
Here's yet another example. In this one, I posted the entire article, including images -- without any commentary:
I thought that was relevant to glaucoma because we are all exposed to BPA and anything that disrupts the transmission of signals between nerve cells in the brain could impact vision, both at the optic nerve (which is part of the CNS) and at the visual cortex.
More about using Ask FitEyes:
Each section of Ask FitEyes is intended for slightly different purposes. The main purpose of this site is to find clear answers to specific questions. (See this tutorial.) However, in the Chatter section, you can have any kinds of discussions (like a typical forum). The rules between those sections are very different. We want the main Questions section to consist of very clear questions and direct answers (not other questions, etc.).
News is intended for sharing news articles and then adding any types of comments in the replies.
The tutorials section is obviously for "How To" posts. Replies to those posts should generally add info to the tutorial (such as a clarification). (If you have a questions about something mentioned in a tutorial, ask a new question.)
Notice that when I discuss how to use Ask FitEyes, I usually post tutorials. But this post is in the Chatter section instead. I put it here because it is a request for your feedback. It's not a typical tutorial. In this case I am inviting extended open discussion on this topic, so it belongs in Chatter.
Now, as to the science section...
As a community, let's decide on the approaches we like best for publishing scientific articles on Ask FitEyes (in the science section).
I gave three different examples. My favorite of those would be to post the key parts of the scientific article along with some informed commentary (similar to my first example above). I'd like to know if you all agree.
In addition to my examples, there are other good options to share and discuss scientific articles. Please make any suggestions you have.
However, I do have a clear idea in mind for the overall site that will impact science discussions. I see the science section being used for posting knowledge, not for asking questions. All questions about scientific articles should be asked as a new question in the main section of the site. (As the tutorials show, asking a question in the main section is automatic if you make a post with the default options.)
If you want to regularly post in science, let us know and we will give you permission. What you post there should be credible (and ideally peer-reviewed, although that is not a requirement). Almost everything in that section should be an "answer" (i.e., knowledge). Don't use the "Add your answer" feature to ask a question. Ask a new question with a new post.
The main idea of Ask FitEyes is that if you have a question (whether it comes up from reading a scientific article, talking to your doctor, reading a news article, or just in the course of your daily life), you can ask a new question on Ask FitEyes.
You may read a science article and come away with ten questions. If so, ask each one as a free-standing and clear question on Ask FitEyes. Ask as many separate questions as you like. But don't combine multiple questions into one. We are building a knowledge base. I encourage us to use discipline on Ask FitEyes. Ask good questions. Give direct answers. If you are not asking a question or answering one, then use one of the other sections (such as Chatter) or use the email list.
Those are my thoughts. What do you think is best?