Tutorial: Start Here: How Do I Use This Site?
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7 months ago
david 4.3k

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You have to be logged in to create posts and to vote (and do other things on the site). If you are new, first click the login icon (upper right area of the page). Then click the "sign up with email" option. Or go directly to this URL: https://ask.fiteyes.com/accounts/signup/

If you have basic questions about how to use Ask FitEyes, you should look for the tutorials. Important links are included below.

The first "getting started" tutorial is found here:

Introduction to Ask FitEyes: How to Participate By Asking Questions, Answering Questions or Finding Answers You Seek

Next, when you are ready to post a reply, this tutorial will be helpful: How to Reply to a Post?

We have a tag on Ask FitEyes named "help-site". This tag will help you find all the tutorials about using Ask FitEyes.

All posts about the site functionality will be tagged with "help-site". They will all be in the Tutorials section.

You can find all these "help" or "how to" tutorials with this link:

Ask FitEyes Tutorials

Other options for finding help include:

  • search using the search box
  • browse the tutorials section (although tutorials includes both glaucoma and eye-health tutorials as well as site-usage tutorials)
  • click on a tag that starts with "help-"
  • browse to "[Tags]" (menu at top of page) and click on the "help-site" tag.
  • ask a question on the site.

Any tags related to how to use the Ask FitEyes site should start with "help-". Another tag example is "help-categories" for site help related to categorizing posts.

help-site help-start-here • 1.8k views

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