Science: Determination of Cup to Disc Ratio Using Unsupervised Machine Learning Techniques for Glaucoma Detection
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3.9 years ago
david 4.3k


The cup nerve head, optic cup, optic disc ratio and neural rim configuration are observed as important for detecting glaucoma at an early stage in clinical practice. The main clinical indicator of glaucoma optic cup to disc ratio is currently determined manually. This places limits on mass screening potential.

This paper proposes the following methods for an automatic cup to disc ratio determination. In the first part of the work, fundus image of the optic disc region is considered. Clustering means K is used automatically to extract the optic disc whereas K-value is automatically selected by algorithm called hill climbing. The segmented contour of optic cup has been smoothened by two methods namely elliptical fitting and morphological fitting. Cup to disc ratio is calculated for 50 normal images and 50 fundus images of glaucoma patients.

Throughout this paper, the same set of images has been used and for these images, the cup to disc ratio values are provided by the ophthalmologist, which is taken as the gold standard value. The error is calculated with reference to this gold standard value throughout the paper for cup to disc ratio comparison.

The mean error of the K-means clustering method for elliptical and morphological fitting is 4.5% and 4.1%, respectively. Since the error is high, fuzzy C-mean clustering has been chosen and the mean error of the method for elliptical and morphological fitting is 3.83% and 3.52%. The error can further be minimized by considering the inter pixel relation. To achieve another algorithm is by Spatially Weighted fuzzy C-means Clustering (SWFCM) is used. The optic disc and optic cup have clustered and segmented by SWFCM Clustering. The SWFCM mean error clustering method for elliptical and morphological fitting is 3.06% and 1.67%, respectively. In this work fundus images were collected from Aravind eye Hospital, Pondicherry.

Praveena, R., GaneshBabu, T. R. (2021). Determination of Cup to Disc Ratio Using Unsupervised Machine Learning Techniques for Glaucoma Detection. Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 18(2), 69–86.

Received 13 October 2020; Accepted 05 March 2021; Issue published 09 April 2021

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