Discomfort from Icare Home
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3.4 years ago
db • 60


I am new with Icare home. I noticed that if I take a few measurements in a short span of time (ex. 3-4 times in 1-2 hours) I feel a discomfort in the eyes for a few hours...Have you noticed it? Am I using Icare Home wrong? (I see the green light, 90 degrees is ok - I use a mirror- )


icare-tonometer • 1.3k views
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3.4 years ago
Mary Beth • 350

I have had a Home ICare for maybe 5 years. I take many measures daily, especially if experimenting or watching a change. I do not have any lingering pain, even after 3 or 4 sets of readings at a time repeated multiple times per day. In fact, I barely feel any touch by the probe at all..

I wonder if your forehead and cheek guides are set too close to your eye. The device will beep if it is not horizontal during a reading, but it should also beep if too distance or too close. Yet, there is a small range within the acceptable settings. You might try slight setting adjustments to the guides.

Does one eye hurt more than the other? Also note that some people need different settings for each eye because of different physiology, or more likely, different pressure against the body while taking a measurement because of grip or the difference between left and right handedness.

How do you use the mirror? Maybe play with this: use a right hand grip for right eye measures, covering left eye with palm of left eye, and then switch to left hand use of device for left eye, covering right eye with right hand? Covering non-measured eye helps me to see the light the best. You may notice a size difference of the black area in the center—if one eye is a bit closer to the device, the black circle might appear to be a larger area. Take into account whether your eye anatomy and eyesight are roughly the same.I don’t know if everyone does this or even needs to do this switching, but for me, it is necessary.

Are the guide dials at the same setting you had initially set? I use a piece of paper medical tape to keep my dials for forehead and cheek guides at correct position. I find that I bump it ever so slightly with my grip, and over time it can change from my noted settings.

I suggest increasing the distance AND recording every minute change, noting sensation and difficulty in getting a reading, so that you can go back to it if it is working better than other settings. Tape the dial into position of your favorite settings, but also record them.

I have used my device within the hour of cataract surgery, and then too had very little sensation of the probe. If I recall, I backed the device away a bit to allow the lightest touch without error. I took measures obsessively, every 15 minutes at some times of day to manage pressures. I had had sustained pressure spike after a first cataract surgery before I owned the ICare, but the second time around I was prepared and guarding against any rise in pressures. My doctor was totally in agreement with frequent post-op monitoring and had no warning against using ICare at this frequency.

Aim for no sensation while still getting green light and no beeps.

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3.4 years ago
David 370

Perhaps you have some dry eye issues that you aren't aware of and the multiple tonometer measurements are exacerbating it enough for you to feel discomfort? Maybe try putting a lubricating, artificial tears eyedrop in prior to the measurements and see if that fixes it.

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