An answer to a question does not have to be a complete wiki or blog article. Indeed, it should not be. An answer is not an encyclopedic discussion of a topic. Answers can refer people to wiki articles or scientific publications.
Good answers are neither as long as a wiki article nor as short as a URL (web link).
Links without any explanation are not acceptable, just like they are not acceptable in FitEyes emails.
The answer posted should completely answer the question. It should be concise. It should be direct. A completely background and/or theoretical discussion is not typically expected on Ask FitEyes.
The types of answers we have seen very commonly in the FitEyes mailing list since 2006 are sufficient for Ask FitEyes in most cases. Posts on Ask FitEyes should be more formal than email because, unlike email, they are not ephemeral. Check your spelling, for example. However, you are not expected to write a wiki article, a long blog post, etc.
Dr. Ritch has said that FitEyes is the group for the smart glaucoma patients. Ask FitEyes requires no more than what we have been doing for 15+ years on the mailing list. The good answers we provide in an email response are often sufficient for Ask FitEyes. The technology used here will take what we are already doing and add more value to it.
Here are some useful tutorial links: