News: Want healthy eyes? What to know at 40 and beyond | Harvard Health
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Want healthy eyes? What to know at 40 and beyond

Posted April 20, 2021, 10:30 am

Kelly Bilodeau
Executive Editor, Harvard Women's Health Watch

Includes commentary by FitEyes.

Did the print on that label suddenly shrink? If you’re in your 40s or beyond, you may have asked yourself that question as you struggled to read something that you used to be able to see clearly with no problem.

Blame your aging eyes. Much like our joints, our eyes undergo age-related changes. While eye problems can affect people of any age, some conditions become more common after age 40.

Getting older? Three common eye conditions

Presbyopia. The lens of the eye gets stiffer with age, which makes it harder to focus on objects nearby — hence your label-reading struggles. Many people find satisfaction with inexpensive reading glasses, but once you need them, it’s time for a midlife vision check-up.

FitEyes commentary: There is an alternate (non-mainstream) model of accommodation that recognizes an important role for the extra-ocular muscles. A hundred years ago this view was popularized by William H. Bates. Many people do find some benefit for presbyopia in the Bates Method.

Cataracts. Another common condition that can crop up as you age is cataracts, a clouding of the lens of your eye that can impair vision. Cataracts affect about half of people ages 65 to 74. Treatment typically involves an outpatient surgical procedure to replaces the clouded lens.

FitEyes commentary: If you have glaucoma and are contemplating cataract surgery, ask your specialist about minimally invasive glaucoma surgical options that could be performed at the same time as the lens replacement.

Dry eye syndrome. This condition affects more than 15 million adults in the United States, and occurs due to a reduction in tear production. With less natural lubrication your eyes can become irritated, sticky, or you may feel a burning or scratchy sensation in the eye. Depending on severity, symptoms can be treated using eye drops that simulate your natural tears, a topical prescription drug, or a device to increase tear production.

FitEyes commentary: If you are bothered by dry eyes consider a professional grade omega-3 supplement as well as maqui berry.

Additional eye conditions that may occur with age or illness

Posterior vitreous detachment (PVD). Signs of this condition include visual disruptions, such as seeing light streaks, floaters, or a cobweb-like haze. These occur because the jelly-like substance called vitreous in the eye starts to liquefy and shrink, causing it tug on the retina.

Call your medical team right away if you notice these signs. While most people experiencing PVD won’t need treatment, in some cases the vitreous can completely detach from or tear the retina. A tear or detachment can cause vision loss, and requires a laser procedure or surgery to repair the problem, according to the American Society of Retina Specialists.

FitEyes commentary: See related posts:

Glaucoma. Another condition that becomes more common after age 40 is glaucoma. This painless, often symptomless condition damages the optic nerve that transmits information from your eyes to your brain. When not treated, glaucoma can lead to peripheral or central vision loss. Most often, glaucoma is treated with prescription eye drops designed to reduce the pressure in your eye. Less commonly, your doctor may recommend a laser procedure or surgery.

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD). This condition causes degeneration of the retina, a thin layer of tissue at the back of the eye. Light-sensitive cells of the retina capture images and transmit them to the brain through the optic nerve. AMD affects a central part of the retina called the macula. It can lead to blurred or distorted vision, and possibly a blind spot in a person’s field of vision. Treatment, which may include medication or laser therapy, can often help prevent or at least delay vision loss.

Diabetic retinopathy. This condition also causes damage to the retina. For people with diabetes, keeping blood sugar and blood pressure under control helps prevent diabetic retinopathy. If it is detected, your eye specialist will recommend treatment, usually eye injections or laser therapy.

Easy ways to maintain eye health

Many eye conditions can be effectively treated to protect your vision if they are caught early. That’s why it’s wise to get regular eye exams, to spot potential problems and address them before they affect your eyesight.

You can also take other steps to ensure that your eyes stay healthy, such as exercising, eating a healthy diet, quitting smoking, and protecting your eyes from ultraviolet rays by wearing sunglasses outside.

Want healthy eyes? What to know at 40 and beyond - Harvard Health Blog - Harvard Health Publishing

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