Results with Iyuzeh?
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11 weeks ago
CBSA • 0

Has anyone been on this and getting good IOP lowering ? Thanks !

preservative-free • 287 views
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11 weeks ago
nylongirl • 10

I have found it doesn't work as well for me as the Latanaprost. My doctor feels to cut back on BAK so we are alternating the Iyuzeh with the Latanaprost. Over all I feel my iop was about 2points higher when I did Iyuzeh on it's own for 3 months. I was able to test with my home tonometer. When I went back on Latanaprost it dropped. I believe studies show that Iyuzeh may not lower as well but I think normally it's only about 1-2pts difference. You have to try or you won't know.


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